Explaining State Design Pattern

The state design pattern is a software design pattern in which an object's behavior is determined by its current state. This pattern is used to create objects that have a defined set of states and transitions between those states. In this pattern, the object's behavior changes depending on its current state, and it can change its state by executing certain operations.

Here is an example of the state design pattern in Swift:

protocol State {
    func handleInput(_ input: String) -> State
    func getDescription() -> String

class StartState: State {
    func handleInput(_ input: String) -> State {
        if input == "start" {
            return RunningState()
        } else {
            return self

    func getDescription() -> String {
        return "Start state"

class RunningState: State {
    func handleInput(_ input: String) -> State {
        if input == "stop" {
            return StoppedState()
        } else {
            return self

    func getDescription() -> String {
        return "Running state"

class StoppedState: State {
    func handleInput(_ input: String) -> State {
        return self

    func getDescription() -> String {
        return "Stopped state"

class ObjectWithState {
    private var state: State

    init() {
        self.state = StartState()

    func handleInput(_ input: String) {
        state = state.handleInput(input)

    func getDescription() -> String {
        return state.getDescription()

let objectWithState = ObjectWithState()
print(objectWithState.getDescription()) // Start state

print(objectWithState.getDescription()) // Running state

print(objectWithState.getDescription()) // Stopped state

In this example, the ObjectWithState class has a state property that determines its current behavior. This state property is an instance of a type that conforms to the State protocol. The ObjectWithState class has a handleInput(_:) method that changes its state based on the input it receives, and a getDescription() method that returns a description of its current state.

The StartState, RunningState, and StoppedState classes all conform to the State protocol and define the behavior of the ObjectWithState class in each of its possible states. When the ObjectWithState instance receives the input "start", it transitions from the StartState to the RunningState, and when it receives the input "stop", it transitions from the RunningState to the StoppedState.


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