All content on this site is under the property of me (Trevor Beaton), my employer, or my clients.
These projects are shown here with their permission.
A.I was not used to construct this site or its content.
PyLeap is a mobile application that enables users to effortlessly download code files and assets and transfer them to their Adafruit devices via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) or Wi-Fi. With PyLeap, users can instantly and conveniently transfer code files and assets from our Adafruit Learn Systems to their Adafruit devices, taking their projects to the next level easily.
Tech Stack: SwiftUI, CircuitPython, Core Bluetooth, Swift Package Manager
Available on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store
Swift Playgrounds for Bluefruit
This digital book presents coding challenges that can be tackled using the Robot Rover. This playground book is intended for use with the Mini 3-Layer Round Robot Chassis Kit with DC motors(previously for Adabox – 002), equipped with DC motors and previously available in Adabox - 002. Following the assembly of the Robot Rover, you can control its movements using simple and custom commands using the Swift language. This resource will prove helpful in enhancing your understanding of robotics and coding.
Tech Stack: UIKit, Playgroundbook, Core Bluetooth
Geocaching Datalogger
Geocaching Datalogger is an assistant app developed at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. This app allows users to record their body temperature and location simultaneously while sending a weekly log of this data to the user’s email.
Users can record their location history with a map, log any related data, export it all for use in other applications, or set a schedule to send it to their email automatically.
Teck Stack: UIKit, Core Data, MapiKit, Core Location, Core Motion
Available on the Apple App Store
Bluefruit Playground
Control & communicate with Circuit Playground Bluefruit from your iPhone or iPad! Bluefruit Playground is our new app for iOS & iPad. This allows you to interact with a Circuit Playground Bluefruit board in a variety of different ways, including controlled LED coloring & animation, light sensor readings, turning a CPB into a musical instrument, augmented reality puppets, and so much more.
Tech Stack: UIKit, CircuitPython, Core Bluetooth, Swift Package Manager
Available on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store
Adafruit Stickers for iMessage
Liven up your iMessage with characters from Adafruit’s Circuit Playground! Some friendly electronics components are waiting to say hello 🤖.
We now have over 100 stickers! We’ve recently added a new addition to our component symbol set. The Component sticker set now includes Diode, Mosfet, Inductor, and Resistor symbols.
Tech Stack: UIKit
Available on the App Store